Benchmark Formation et HR Analytics – Phase 3

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Big Data RH?

OK mais comment combiner la récolte, l’analyse et surtout la mise à disposition pratique et rapide des informations ?

Comment rendre les responsables RH et les responsables Talent & Development autonomes ?

Comment faciliter la communication en interne de leurs constats ?

Nous avons effectué ces dernières semaines de nombreuses recherches et tests qui nous ont mené à POWER BI © de Microsoft.

Il devient notre outil final d’analyse, de reporting et de communication lors de nos interventions de consultance et pour notre benchmark.

Nous ...

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Is Testosterone to Blame for Bad Decisions?

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Hello Dears,

I wanted to share a small reflection with you on this topic. I recently read an article that drew my attention.
The article available through the hyperlink might seem a bit challenging and disturbing but I found it a good way to reflect on the many times I could experience it in my professional and personal life.

“Testosterone has been part of mammalian physiology for millions of years, and the role of testosterone has been to essentially ensure survival. It’s ...

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